A Note from our CEO

Hello Everyone,

It sure felt like January went by pretty quickly! For those that know me, know that I’m big on remembering big and small past events or dates. Scarlett my granddaughter, has begun to write the ‘dates’ on whatever drawing she’s making and that's a good habit to form, especially at such a young age! Dates, it’s just one of my many quirks.

January marked 20 years since my Mom's passing, and I have thought about her ever since. I wonder what she’d think of her granddaughters and her six great-grandchildren and, out of the six, we finally have our first great-grandson. My Mom would like that and would probably joke about it as well! My Dad passed away in ’84 and I talked with my Mom every day, no matter where I was after that, until the time she passed away.

While having the honor of being part of the Council on Aging, I think about my Mom on numerous occasions in regards to seniors or hearing about what someone did in our agency. I know my Mom would be pleased with the way our team strives to bring a ray of sunshine in each of our senior client's lives and their families. Everything we do for our seniors, we do with kindness and a good heart. We provide all of our services to make the lives of seniors easier.

This past year has been a true whirlwind, to say the least. While the year seemed to be filled with uncertainty, this year is full of promise. As an Agency, we have made some tremendous inroads as we’ve added services to assure the safety and health of our clients, volunteers, and all of our Team members. While I think in-person meetings are more productive, help with bonding, and build trust, I also believe that wearing masks, social distancing, and getting the vaccine are very important steps in getting our Life Enrichment programs back so our senior clients can socialize in person again. My Mom would have loved our social programs due to being able to socialize with those around her.

Yes, after two decades, I still remember my Mom and her smile. I’m fortunate to have all types of memories of her. I feel blessed.

Please, I don’t want to nag but keep practicing the safety protocols so we can get back together a little sooner than later.

David M. Toney, CEO